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客人不匯款,自己難受;催客人匯款,又怕客人生氣,影響後續接單... 面臨兩難怎麼辦呢?主管說:還是要委婉地催款哦<3


1. 貨品保存期限會受影響,建議快點出貨 > 貨品拖愈久,保存期限愈短對他們不利
As the manufacture date is on Dec. 2018, we suggest that you deliver them asap. 
Please remit us your balance so that we will be able to arrange the fastest shipment for you.


2. 儲藏空間有限,其他客人沒地方放 > 我被工廠追殺我也很為難
Our factory is pushing me to deliver your order.
Because our storage space is limited, and your order has been finished 3 months ago, we need to ship your order so that there will be storage space for our other customers.


3. 會計部門正在算錢 > 我被財務部門追殺嗚嗚
Our financial department is checking when we can receive your balance, please let us know your payment arrangement schedule.


4. 我們工廠需要收到匯款來買原料 >工廠沒錢買原料豪可憐啊
Please be advised that our factory needs to receive remittance from our customers to purchase the raw material.


5. 有事大家一起喬呀 > 關心客人營運狀況
Since we haven't got your remittance for 3 months, we are wondering if there is any cash flow difficulty for your company?
Please advise us of your situation for better understanding, and we will be able to support your business.

6. 會計部門說我們沒收到匯款,請寄水單給我們瞧瞧 > 客人根本沒說要付,裝傻
Our accounting department informs that we haven't received your payment, could you send us a copy of remittance for our reference?

7. 歪打正著 > 假裝談其他案子,目的還是討錢
For our last discussion of OEM item, we are checking detail with our factory, and we will advise you whether we can produce or not soon.
By the way, for your previous order, please let us know when the balance will be arranged.


8. 我們快放長假了,希望可以在假期前確認船班 > 過年前還在催款,然後還是沒收到XD
As we will be on Lunar New Year holidays from XX to XX date, we would like to book the vessel before holidays.
Kindly arrange your balance for further process.


9. 為了確保你的庫存充足,我們希望快點出貨 > 心寬體胖
According to your ordering record, we think that your recent order shall be shipped.
To assure your stock is enough, please remit the balance for us to arrange shipment for you.


10. 還沒收到?! 實在掰不下去了 > 有些客人喜歡直接一點
It has been a while from your last email, we would like to know when you will arrange the balance?

- As you are our long term cooperated customer, we would like to support your business, if there is any difficulty, please let us know.
- Could you let us know when the remittance will be arranged?
- We hope to receive your remittance before next Monday.
- Your order has been finished last month.

remittance 匯款
balance 尾款
payment 付款、支付的款項
copy of remittance 付款水單
remit 匯款
arrange 安排
shipment 船班
shipping department 船務
accounting department 會計部門
financial department 財務部門
cash flow 現金流
storage space 倉儲空間
stock 庫存

* 盡量用正面用語取代負面語句,負面也可以啦,但我比較喜歡正向一點XD 畢竟客人開心業務也開心~
To prevent the shortage of your stock > To assure your stock sufficient
To prevent that goods of our other customers cannot be stored > To leave some storage space for our other customers' goods

後來呢,連續四天密集催款下,客人終於匯款啦~~ 可喜可賀!


Thanks for your balance remittance.
Our shipping department will contact your assigned forwarder to arrange the fastest shipment for you.

如果偶爾催款沒用的話,可以試試密集催款,我剛開始一周兩天吧,後來每天寄客人受不了就匯了,雖然不付款是他們理虧,不過怎麼拿捏催款頻率&語氣也是種尷尬又重要的事XD 心態方面我覺得客人如果有先付訂金,應該還是會取貨,然後沒必要為了匯款跟客人撕破臉,如果是合作久的客人,他們不匯款也是有苦衷,就當作幫助他們先緩緩吧


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